Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Home Away From Home

Here I am again in the library. I swear I've spent more waking hours here than I have at my house this week. I try and try and try to leave, but somehow it keeps pulling me back in like a four-story, brick black hole. Now I'm writing a paper for my management class that I actually have already done a lot of work on, but just haven't realized it. The only problem is that I am so burned out right now, I am having a hard time forcing myself to write what little I actually need to write. That probably means that I'll be here for quite some time even though I'm really beginning to despise this place. I really can't wait for school to be done and over with. Only four more weeks!!! I'm just hoping I can make it through these four weeks without losing it. The one thing that I do know, however, is that I need a job. Not necessarily for the money, but for the activity. If I spend this summer on my ass just sitting around waiting for school to start back up again, I think I'll go absolutely insane. Oh, an update on my paper: I definately don't have one of the key parts to it here with me. Its at my house. That means I'm eventually going to have to go back and get it and either bring it back here or risk working on my paper at my house where there are a multitude of distractions. Great

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